Check-in time: 13:00 hrs – 22:00 hrs (Local time)
Check-out time: 12:00 hrs noon (Local time)
Late Departure Fees
Late departure after 2pm on the scheduled departure date will attract fee equivalent of 50% of the previous night’s room rate. Departure after 6:00 pm on the scheduled date will attract fee equivalent of 100% of the previous night’s room rate.
Early Departure Fees
Early departure fee equivalent of 50% of the daily room rate applies for any change in your departure date, which has been advised less than 48 hours in advance of new departure date. Fee equivalent of 50% on the remaining reservations applies for any change in your departure date, which has been advised less than 24 hours in advance of new departure date. While Fee equivalent of 100% of the daily room rate applies for any change in your departure date, which has been advised less than 12 hours in advance of new departure date.
Safety Deposit Facilities
Guests may make use of our safes and/or, where available, safety deposit facilities accessed via the hotel reception. As facilities do vary in different hotels, please contact the hotel reception for further details.
Please note that the management declines all liability or responsibility for the theft of money or valuables not deposited when staying at the hotel, whatever the circumstances.
All rates are inclusive of Statutory Government 7.5% VAT.